Survival and Flourishing
.Fund (SFF)

SFF versus SFP: SFF facilitates grants to existing charities; for smaller grants and service contracts for mission-aligned projects that don't yet have an institutional home, visit SFP.

SFF’s “S-process” for making grant recommendations

How to apply

The following funding applications may be submitted at any time:

They will be reviewed when a “Round” is organized to review them, as announced on the SFF homepage.

To expedite a funding request before a round is concluded or finished, you may submit an additional form requesting a “speculation grant”:

Sometime in 2024, we may re-organize our application process so that all applications are automatically considered for speculation grants.

How it works

For reviewing funding applications, the SFF team uses an algorithm along with a recurring meeting structure that we call “The S-process”, co-developed by Andrew Critch, Jaan Tallinn, and Oliver Habryka. “S” stands for “Simulation”, because we use a grant-making simulation app to aid in discussions and final decisions. In each grant round, our funders agree on a set of six “recommenders” to read the incoming grant applications, and the recommenders and funders work together on our grant recommendation app over a series of meetings until SFF’s final recommended grant amounts are decided. Funders always have final say over whether to implement our recommendations. See the following presentation for an illustration of how the app works and some of the philosophy behind it:

The S-process: A simulation process for multi-funder delegation of public goods funding